Horsham – St John, Broadbridge Heath
Broadbridge Heath was a detached part of the parish of Sullington without a church, so the residents attended Horsham parish church. In the C19 it became a suburb of Horsham and then part of the parish. After the permanent church of Holy Trinity was completed, the previous iron church was moved to Broadbridge Heath and opened in 1904 (VCH 6(2) p192). It was demolished as unsafe in 1957 and the present church was completed in 1962 to a design by J E Ralph (ICBS).
The tiled tent-like roof touches the ground at the corners. As a consequence, the side-walls are triangular with long vertical white glazing bars. Over the entrance is a simple canopy and on the east wall what is now a cross (see below). The inside is light and the roof is finished in rough plaster. Despite the square groundplan, the altar stands against the east wall in a conventional sanctuary; a preference for a central altar was expressed but not pursued during the meeting of the ICBS that approved a grant. The simple wood and metal fittings date from the rebuilding.
Sculpture: (Main gable-wall) A 10 ft-high crucifix by E B Copnall was placed here in 1963, with the figure of Christ made of resin-bound coal-dust. In 2008 this was removed to Horsham Museum as it was said to have been causing distress amongst children (CT 9 January 2009) and was replaced by a cross designed by A Godfrey (ibid). This is made of mirror-glass and is decorated with religious symbols including thorns at the top.